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Spoiler-free Missables Checklist for Tales of Vesperia

I've replaced any potential plot reference with generic names. To keep you guessing, I also removed the type of rewards from completing a sidequest.

The name of the locations and playable characters are left intact as they are the core feature of the game. If you treat it as spoiler, that is on you.

NOTE: As a quick hotfix, I added a hidden whitespace at the end of each checklist items to ensure it will generate a unique hash ID that will not clash with the Missables Checklist page.

Act One


World Map

Deidon Hold

After Karol joins the Party


Ehmead Hill

Capua Nor

Capua Torim


After Estelle joins back at the end:


Keiv Moc



Act Two


Capua Torim

After Getting the Ship



Capua Nor

Capua Torim


Weasand Of Cados


Sands Of Kogorh

Revisiting Mantaic after Yormgen

After Nordopolica Events

After the Event with the Don

Note: This is after completing an outskirt building that belongs to a certain guild and revisiting Dahngrest to trigger the next plot advancement.

After Getting Baul

After Meeting Important Plot NPC

Renansula Hollow



With Flynn in the Party


Before heading to Zaphias to Rescue Someone

After Someone Joins Back


Act Three

NOTE: As it gets trickier to keep things spoiler-free in Act Three onwards, be prepare for accidental "spoiler" if you're browsing this section onwards!

After Everyone Joins Back

After The Birth Of An Important Plot Device

After Fending Off Nordopolica From Threats

After Getting All Four Spirits

Resting at Capua Nor (PS3/Definitive Edition)

After Capua Nor

FAVORITE TOYS SIDEQUEST NOTE: For PS3 and Definitive Edition, you need to wait until Flynn joins the party permanently for Hanks to show up in Zaphias.

After Flynn Leaves the Party (Fetching Leaders)

VS Flynn

Refer to the Missables checklist for the list of stuff that you need to take note as it is tricky to make it spoiler free.

After Aurnion

NOTE: Aurnion is a classic JRPG example where there are many sidequests that may or may not trigger depending on your progress. Do complete more sidequests (possibly out of order) if a sidequest failed to trigger.

Sword Dancer Sidequest (PS3 and Definitive Edition)

Judith's Brionac Sidequest

NOTE: Kouli's guide warned us to not exit Aurnion until the scene with Kaufman. From my playthrough, I need to exit out of Aurnion and reenter to trigger the scene.

Repede's Dog Map Sidequest

NOTE: If the Aurnion scene are not being triggered, you must camp at more fields (do not be misled by the Dog Map's progress bar). Refer to the field's name at the top right of the party menu screen whenever you're on the world map.

After the Main Story's Final Dungeon Rises

Dual Mystic Artes

After (Hope Of The Town), Yuri and Flynn can now do their Dual Mystic Artes.

During battle, make sure both Yuri and Flynn are in OVL 4. Use either Yuri or Flynn and perform Arcane/Altered/Burst Arte while holding down the Attack, Artes and Defend buttons to execute the Dual Mystic Artes.

After Beating Duke (Post Game)